Let us know
We’d love to know your thoughts. The consultation period comes to a close at the end of January 2015. Your ideas really count. We look forward to hearing from you.
Proposed policies
What the neighbourhood plan can do.
- Talk to local business owners to see how the plan would help them
- We can suggest were any possible business developments could be based
- Encourage small businesses to the area
Young people
Proposed policies
What the neighbourhood plan can do.
- Where possible we propose any development should help enhance recreation facilities
- Investigate possible spaces for recreation for older youth
Proposed policies
What the neighbourhood plan can and cannot do.
- We cannot stop all development but we can influence where it goes and what it looks like
- We can propose that we keep the existing village development boundary
- We cannot create more parking spaces for existing homes but can make sure any new development is designed to include adequate parking
- We can give priority to housing sites within the village development boundary
- We can create a design brief for new housing which will reflect and enhance the existing character of Parish
Proposed policies
What the neighbourhood plan can do.
- We aim to protect the existing green spaces and safeguard more
- Where possible we propose any development should improve the quality of our access to the countryside
- Where possible we propose any development should help enhance recreation facilities